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Sets include an assortment of stainless steel keys with a ball end that allows angled entry to turn screws in hard-to-reach areas. Use a stainless steel L-key to protect your stainless steel screws. If steel flakes off a standard tool and into the recess, it can lead to rust and contamination. These keys eliminate that risk.
The ball end allows angled entry to turn screws in hard-to-reach areas. Protect your stainless steel screws by using a stainless steel L-key. If steel flakes off a standard tool and into the recess, it can lead to rust and contamination. These keys eliminate that risk.
Protect your stainless steel screws by using a stainless steel L-key. If steel flakes off a standard tool and into the recess, it can lead to rust and contamination. These keys eliminate that risk.
Sets include an assortment of stainless steel keys, which protect stainless steel screws. If steel flakes off a standard tool and into the recess, it can lead to rust and contamination. These keys eliminate that risk.
Protect your stainless steel screws by using a stainless steel key. If steel flakes off a standard tool and into the recess, it can lead to rust and contamination. These keys eliminate that risk.
The long shaft provides more reach and the short shaft more torque. Protect your stainless steel screws by using a stainless steel key. If steel flakes off a standard tool and into the recess, it can lead to rust and contamination. These keys eliminate that risk.
Sets include an assortment of keys with a long shaft for more reach and a short shaft for more torque. Use stainless steel keys to protect your stainless steel screws. If steel flakes off a standard tool and into the recess, it can lead to rust and contamination. These keys eliminate that risk.
Protect your stainless steel screws by using a stainless steel bit. If steel flakes off a standard bit and into the recess, it can lead to rust and contamination. These bits eliminate that risk.
Designed for use with stainless steel fasteners, these sockets are more corrosion resistant than steel sockets and less likely to flake.
Get a strong grip in tight areas, even on fasteners that are rounded or damaged.
Made of stainless steel, these wrenches have excellent corrosion resistance.
These wrenches are made of stainless steel for excellent corrosion resistance.