Buffing Wheel Spindles for Straight Shafts

Mount to the straight shaft on your grinder or buffer. Twist a buffing wheel directly onto the spindle—centrifugal force holds the wheel in place as it turns.
Shafts on the right side of a buffer or grinder rotate the wheel in a counterclockwise direction.
Shafts on the left side of a buffer or grinder rotate the wheel in a clockwise direction.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.
Buffing Wheel Spindles for Tapered Shafts

Use one of these spindles to mount buffing wheels to the tapered shaft on your grinder or buffer. Twist the buffing wheel directly onto the spindle—centrifugal force holds the wheel in place as it turns.
Shafts on the right side of a buffer or grinder rotate the wheel in a counterclockwise direction.
Shafts on the left side of a buffer or grinder rotate the wheel in a clockwise direction.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.
Buffing Wheel Spindles for Hand-Held Power Tools

The shank on these spindles installs directly into grinder collets and drill chucks. Twist a buffing wheel directly onto the spindle—centrifugal force holds the wheel in place as it turns.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.