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Seal and cushion narrow spaces in hot environments with these silicone foam cords.
These silicone foam cords meet NSF/ANSI 51 for food equipment materials. Use them to seal and cushion narrow spaces in food service equipment.
These sheets and strips will bounce back to shape, even after extended compression.
This premium silicone is the most resilient foam we offer. It is equivalent to Cohrlastic and is also known as Norseal and silicone sponge.
Silicone maintains its flexibility across a wide range of temperatures.
One layer of fiberglass fabric is sandwiched between layers of silicone foam giving these strips strength to handle high-stress applications, such as gasketing.
Even after exposure to sunlight, rain, and snow, these silicone foam strips remain flexible.
Even after extended compression, these sheets and strips will bounce back to shape.
Prevent the spread of flames with these self-extinguishing silicone foam sheets and strips.
A thin layer of aluminized fiberglass on this silicone foam reflects heat to protect sensitive equipment.
Seal and damp vibration around high-temperature food-service equipment with these silicone foam sheets and strips.
Protect sensitive equipment from heat buildup with this silicone foam. These sheets are commonly used to fill gaps and damp vibration in computers, battery installations, and pipe assemblies.
Seal and damp vibration in high-temperature equipment with these rings.