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Install these inserts into plastic parts to create a secure base for fasteners.
With the male threaded end on these inserts, mount components directly to plastic parts.
Quicker to install than standard heat-set inserts, these inserts go in either way—no need to check which end is correct.
The tapered shape makes it easier to guide these inserts into a hole during installation. Use a drill bit to create a straight hole, then taper the top half.
Assortments include various sizes of inserts, a soldering iron, a ceramic insulation tube, and installation tips.
These inserts come with an installation tool. Drive the keys into the surrounding material for a more secure hold than thread-locking inserts.
Inserts come with a through-hole tap and installation tool.
Assortments include various sizes of helical inserts and a tap, a drill bit, and an installation tool for each thread size.
Kits include helical inserts, a tap, and an installation tool.
These kits have short-, normal-, and long-reach inserts, an installation tool, and a tap.
These assortments include various sizes of thread-locking inserts.
A closed-end tap, drill bit, and installation bit are included with these inserts.
Assortments include various sizes of tapping inserts for hardwood.
Assortments include various sizes of tapping inserts for softwood.