About Nuts, Materials, and Finishes
Titanium Twist-Resistant Rivet Nuts

Originally designed for Formula 1 racecars, these titanium rivet nuts are the best choice when you need a high strength-to-weight ratio—they're 40% lighter than steel nuts. They’re also our most corrosion-resistant rivet nuts, standing up to salt water, acids, and chemicals. A ribbed body grips surrounding material to hold the nuts in place, so they won't spin as you tighten screws. These rivet nuts create reusable threads in sheet metal and other surfaces that are too thin to be tapped. Also known as blind inserts, installation requires access to just one side of your material. The flange distributes the load and holds these nuts against the surface.
Secure them in a drilled or punched round hole with a rivet nut tool. The tool collapses the nut, creating a backside flange that holds the nut to the material.
Length is measured from under the flange. Installed length is the maximum length of the barrel when installed.
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