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Combine posts, panels, and doors to create a barrier around equipment.
Framed in aluminum T-slotted extrusions, these customizable machine guards provide multiple points of attachment for other components and structures.
Compact in size, these guards can be mounted directly to a machine or workbench. Panels are framed in aluminum T-slotted extrusions to provide multiple points of attachment for other components.
Instead of a post, use these rings to hang chain between metal surfaces.
Mix-and-match posts and chain to create a barrier that suits your needs.
Links split in half and snap back together. Use to connect two lengths of chain.
Connect two lengths of chain to make longer chain barriers.
Remove the tops on these three-post barriers to fill the bases with sand or pea gravel for added stability.
You can fill these with water for added stability and drain when not in use for easy transport.
The barricade with prismatic bands is high visibility for use in heavy traffic and low-light areas.
Restrict access to an area of your facility.
Made of PVC plastic to withstand acids, alkalies, salts, and other corrosive vapors and fumes.