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Make tight bends in machine and equipment wiring.
Attach conduit to a knockout in an outlet box or enclosure.
Join pieces of conduit.
Preventing wear and cracks, these grommets shield the sections of your conduit that rub and bang against nearby components.
Connect different sizes of conduit.
Thicker corrugations make this conduit more crush resistant than standard flexible plastic conduit.
Visually identify different runs of wire and cable in machine and equipment wiring.
The spiral design makes this conduit more flexible than abrasion-resistant liquid-tight flexible plastic conduit.
Also known as Type B, this conduit is more crush and abrasion resistant than liquid-tight flexible plastic conduit.
Hold flexible plastic conduit in place along walls and machines.
Covered with a copper braid, this conduit protects wire and cable from electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by motors and other equipment.
These adapters provide electromagnetic interference (EMI) protection when connecting shielded flexible plastic conduit to a knockout in an outlet box or enclosure.
One end twists into a piece of conduit for a quick connection; the other end attaches to a knockout in an outlet box or enclosure.
In addition to continuous-motion applications such as robotics, this conduit is suitable for high-vibration applications.
These fittings seal out liquid when used with continuous-flex liquid-tight plastic conduit.
Also known as Type A, this conduit meets the demands of continuous motion while sealing out liquid when used with liquid-tight fittings.
Also known as conduit bodies, these ports provide access to wire and cable inside PVC conduit for pulling, splicing, and maintenance. They are also used to change the direction of a run.
Connect different sizes and genders of conduit.
This is also known as PVC Schedule 40 conduit.
Secure threaded plastic conduit fittings to a knockout in an outlet box or enclosure.