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Also known as angle brackets.
Strengthen corners of cases and crates.
A rubber seal protects against moisture around the installation hole.
Connect wood 2×4s to posts and other flat surfaces.
Clamp these brackets to panel edges to quickly assemble crates.
Lock these brackets together with a pin or a bolt. They are often used on marine docks.
Machine holes and slots or weld in place.
A built-in level makes it easy to align panels.
Interlock brackets to secure panels flush to flat surfaces.
These brackets come in one piece that can be cut-to-size with a hacksaw.
Fit brackets together to assemble truck racks, gates, crates, and fences.
The two-piece design accommodates a wide range of panel thicknesses.
Often used in washrooms, these brackets mount panels and partitions.
Install strong, permanent threads in sheet metal to create a 90° joint.
Install corrosion-resistant threads in sheet metal to create a 90° joint.