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Connect wood 2×4s to posts and other flat surfaces.
Also known as angle brackets.
A secure way to hang threaded rod from a pair of angles, such as those used in ceiling joists, without the need to drill or weld. These clamps are commonly used to suspend HVAC, conveyor, and other overhead systems.
Fasten these brackets to ceilings, walls, beams, and joists to hang threaded rod.
These OSHPD preapproved anchors and brackets support threaded-rod-mount hangers during seismic activity.
Mount these beams across parallel roof joists to hang threaded rod and route pipe, duct, and other overhead systems in areas where there’s no anchoring point.
Install corrosion-resistant threads in sheet metal to create a 90° joint.
Install strong, permanent threads in sheet metal to create a 90° joint.