About Selecting Shock Absorbers
To select the best shock absorber for your application, you need to find the energy capacity your application requires. Use this formula to calculate the energy capacity required to stop a horizontal-moving load. For example, if you have a 250-lb. load moving at 25 inches per second, your calculation is (250 lbs. ÷ 772) × 252 = 202.4 in.-lbs. energy capacity.
Note: Choose a shock absorber with a higher energy capacity than you calculated. Factors such as driving force or an inclined surface will increase the energy capacity required.
Energy Capacity (in.-lbs.) = (Weight, lbs./772) × Velocity2 (in. per second)
Mounting Nuts for Shock Absorbers

Use Mounting Blocks for Shock Absorbers (not included) to mount and secure threaded-body shock absorbers.