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Join pieces of conduit.
Attach conduit to a knockout in an outlet box or enclosure.
Join different sizes of conduit.
Connect to the end of conduit or a fitting to protect wires from abrasion when being pulled.
Ground conduit by running a ground wire through the attached lug.
Reduce the knockout size in an outlet box or enclosure so you can attach a different size of conduit to it.
Seal out moisture while reducing the knockout size in an outlet box or enclosure so you can attach a different size of conduit to it.
Also known as conduit bodies, these ports provide access to wire and cable inside metal conduit for pulling, splicing, and maintenance. They are also used to change the direction of a run.
Create a connection point to route overhead service wire and cable from utility poles to electrical meters, bringing power to buildings.
Create a weatherproof entry point into a building for service cables and telephone lines—these kits have all the supplies you need.