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These hinges are made of metal.
Thick leaves and a large diameter pin make these hinges good for use with heavy doors.
Turn a set screw to adjust the door 1/8" up or down after it's hung.
Also known as bullet hinges, these hinges are the right size for tight spaces and narrow frames.
A grease fitting makes these hinges easy to lubricate.
The hinge pin is attached to the frame leaf so you can quickly lift the door off the hinge without removing the pin.
Springs in these hinges without holes automatically swing doors and gates closed behind you.
After a light push on the door, springs in these hinges swing doors and gates fully open.
These hinges without holes are spring loaded—pull the handle to retract the pin and disconnect a door; release the handle and the pin snaps back.
A keeper holds the pin in a retracted position to make reconnecting doors easier than other pull-release quick-disconnect hinges.
Squeeze the hinge handles together to retract the pin and disconnect a door; release the handles and the pin snaps back.
Choose these hinges for their adherence to strict military standards for material and construction.
The leaves of these hinges almost touch when the door is closed. They are often used in electrical enclosures for a tight seal.
When the door is closed, the distance between the leaves is larger than the pin diameter, creating an offset to accommodate a gasket or trim.