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Also known as angle brackets.
Clamp around sensors and switches for a secure hold.
Often used in washrooms, these brackets mount panels and partitions.
The two-piece design accommodates a wide range of panel thicknesses.
Create custom brackets to support metal handrails on stairs, ramps, and railings by cutting, machining, and welding these components.
Designed for heavy duty applications, these brackets support metal and wooden handrails on stairs and ramps.
Attach sensors, tubes, and other components to T-slotted framing rails and structures.
Install directly into a mounting surface to suspend threaded rod from ceilings and walls.
Combine with a U-bolt or routing clamp to convey a variety of material, such as pipe, tubing, and cable raceway, at distance from floors, walls, and ceilings. The extra clearance allows access for maintenance and adding and removing lines.
Also known as bridle rings, routing rings have an open-eye design that allows you to quickly install wire and cable.
Add a hook and loop cable tie to these mounts to secure a bundle.
Secure a bundle and then use the grommet to temporarily hang it from a hook or peg.
Mount bundles to surfaces with a screw or fastener. Since the mounting grommet on these ties is not accessible after material has been bundled, these ties are best for a permanent installation.
Quickly attach and detach a bundle.
Mount to a surface and add a cable tie to secure a bundle.
Often used in interior panels, control boxes, and other areas with limited space, these cable tie mounts have a low profile that prevents items from snagging on them.
Use these plastic mounts with metal-detector-grade cable ties when detection and retrieval is essential, such as in food processing applications. Mounts are brightly colored for visibility and contain a special compound that can be picked up by X-ray equipment and metal detectors.
Often used to secure vertical running material, these mounts maintain space between a bundle and a surface.
Attach these cable ties directly to a surface—no separate mount needed.
Reduce gaps between the cable tie and bundle—these ties have a smooth body that allows them to adjust to the exact size of the material.
Use these mounts with stainless steel cable ties when working in corrosive environments.
These brackets have greater weight capacities than standard duty fold-away shelf brackets.
Hang larger, heavier items than standard hooks with these load-rated hooks.
Install these sockets in tubing, angle iron, channel, and wood to hold friction-grip stem casters in place.