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Offering excellent UV and ozone resistance, this rubber hose is a good fit for outdoor applications.
When your process requires hot water, reach for this rubber hose.
Hose is made of lightweight, nonmarring PVC.
Hose blends the flexibility of PVC with the durability and abrasion resistance of rubber.
Safely transfer drinking water from a garden hose connection.
Bend and flex this hose in the coldest weather—down to -30° F.
Keep your water running in temperatures down to -20° F.
Let go of this hose and it retracts back to its original coiled form.
Hose is designed to ensure water keeps flowing even if the hose kinks.
Lighter than rubber and more flexible than PVC, this polyurethane hose stands up to the wear and tear of daily use.
Reels are enclosed to protect your hose when it's not in use.